Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck in Miami by Top Plastic Surgeons Miami, Florida

Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure which is usually desired by patients having undergone a considerable amount of weight loss or pregnancy. It involves tightening of the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall by the removal of excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen. It results in giving the stomach a more thinner and toned look.


Anyone with excess skin or fat in the belly area is eligible to undergo a tummy tuck.

An abdominoplasty procedure can be divided into various categories depending upon the extent and scope. Abdominoplasty procedures can be categorized into :

  • COMPLETE (OR FULL) ABDOMINOPLASTY- a complete or full abdominoplasty procedure can last 1-5 hours. An incision is made from hip to hip along with another small incision that separates the navel from the surrounding skin. The skin is detached from the abdominal wall revealing the muscles or the fascia. The muscle fascia is tightened using sutures. Sometimes liposuction can be performed to refine the transition zones. Excess fluid is then cleared from the area.
  • PARTIAL ABDOMINOPLASTY OR MINI TUMMY TUCK- a partial abdominoplasty can be performed in 1-2 hours. A smaller incision is made as compared to a complete abdominoplasty and the skin and fat are removed in a more limited fashion. The skin is detached from the abdominal wall and the fascia muscles are stretched down to get rid of it. The muscle fascia is tightened with sutures. Liposuction can be used to contour the transition zone.
  • EXTENDED ABDOMINOPLASTY- an extended abdominoplasty involves a complete abdominoplasty, along with further contouring of the waist and the upper lateral thigh.
  • FLOATING ABDOMINOPLASTY- floating abdominoplasty also known as the extended mini-abdominoplasty, allows tightening and shaping by making a small incision (hip to hip) that isn’t placed around the belly button. The muscles are tightened and reshaped from the sternum to the pubic area.
  • CIRCUMFERENCIAL ABDOMINOPLASTY- circumferential abdominoplasty is an extended abdominoplasty with a buttock lift. This operation is mostly ungone by patients who have achieved massive weight loss.
  • Abdominoplasty or ‘tummy tuck’ can also be performed in combination with other plastic surgical procedures such as liposuction, breast augmentation and breast reduction. LIPOTUCK or liposuction combined with the tummy tuck procedure involves body contouring of the hips, breast and buttocks


Before the surgery can begin a general check up will be conducted by the doctor, in the abdomen area to assess the amount of loose skin and excess fat.

Dermolipectomy is a procedure involving the removal of loose skin without the removal or tightening of the abdominal muscles. Women with wrinkly or excess skin can undergo this procedure if they possess a good muscle tone. It causes the same scar as a tummy tuck procedure, but can be performed in a shorter time.


Besides obtaining a slimmer, smoother and flatter abdomen, there are various problems that the tummy tuck procedure address.

  • If you have excess lose skin which results due to ageing, pregnancy or an after effect of huge weight loss.
  • We can’t help the genetics we are born with. Sometimes a person has fat deposits on his abdomen or stomach. This can be due to your bone structure, ethnicity or uneven weight distribution. The flanks or the abdomen are the most common fat deposit areas. Tummy tuck can be undergone to get rid of this excess involuntary fat tissue.
  • Abdominal muscle separation- usually happens after pregnancy, the abdominal muscles relax, making them separate. It results in a out bulging tummy.


A complete tummy tuck procedure is performed under 1-5 hours whereas a partial or a mini-tummy tuck procedure can be performed in 1-2 hours.

Local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used for the procedure. Mostly, Local anesthesia is preferred as the patients experience less nausea and faster recovery as compared to general anesthesia. The risk of pulmonary embolism is also nearly eliminated.

Few hours prior to surgery, the doctor will compose surgical markings where the incisions will be carried out.

To help minimize the pain, a ‘pain pump’ is used. A pain pump is a mechanical box with numbing medication that is pumped through small tubes in your wound area with the help of small tubes. The numbing medication is worn for approximately 5 days, allowing you for a better recovery and less pain post operation.


If you are planning to get a tummy tuck procedure done, iBody is the leading plastic surgery center in Miami, Florida distinguished by its high quality of service. Their staff is affiliated by the best plastic surgeons of Miami such as Dr. Mel Ortega, Dr. Rami Ghurani and Dr. Aristides Martinez to name a few. These board certified and exceptionally skilled surgeons use latest innovative techniques and modern methodologies to reduce risk and maximize patient satisfaction. To make an appointment with iBody, you can fill in their free online form provided on our website.
Since many of our clients are out of town patients, there are a number of nursing homes, hotels and accommodations to choose from nearby. You can choose from a number of accomodations of your choice to put up after the surgery according to your needs and expectations.


The potential risks and complications of surgery are rare but the most common ones include reactions to anesthesia, blood accumulation that may need to be drained surgically and infection.
  • Body Mass index or the BMI is calculated using your weight and height. To undergo an abdominoplasty, your BMI must be less than 77 pounds. It is important as it reduces the risk of complications.
  • Your weight must be stable for at least 3 months prior to surgery.
  • Get rid of bad habits such as smoking at least 14 days prior to surgery.
  • Eliminate your intake of multivitamins, herbals and aspirin at least 14 days prior to surgery.
  • Have a full body medical examination clearing you for surgery.
  • Avoid intake of fluids or solid food at least 12 hours prior to surgery.


  • Plan to take a minimum of 2 weeks off from work post surgery. After returning to work on the third week, limit yourself to menial tasks.
  • Do not drive for a minimum of three weeks.
  • Do not remove the garment for about the next five days.
  • Take as much rest as possible and sleep for a minimum of 8 hours daily for a quicker recovery. Drink plenty of fluids and eat a clean diet. Avoid showers.
  • After about 5 days, visit for your first follow up. You will be provided with a new pair of compression garment. You will be required to wear the compression garment 24 hours a day. The incision areas will be drained off the diluted blood and the pain pump will be removed.
  • Two weeks post surgery; you will be required to wear the compression garment 12 hours a day.
  • Week 4- visit again or a follow up.
  • Week 6- resume regular activities.
  • Month 4- visit for a follow up.


Some of the risks and complications post the tummy tuck procedure include:

  • Scarring and Bruising- the scar that appears due to the incision made on the abdomen will be temporary and disappear with time.
  • Seroma or Fluid collection- a rare factor to occur.
  • Hematoma
  • Asymmetry
  • Infection
  • Loss of skin
  • Loss of sensation for about a few days after the surgery until the IV anesthesia wears off.

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Weight Loss Tummy Tuck, Regular Tummy Tuck, breast lift, Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction, Brazilian butt lift

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